Setting Goals isn’t Enough
Do you feel like goal setting seems overwhelming at times? I find myself fluctuating between wanting to work towards a solid future goal and then feeling that it’s so far off in the future that I do not focus on it and sometimes it disappears off my horizon.
A recent post from my business coach got me thinking today.
My daughter did not appreciate being woken up this morning with the question “ what is the difference between goal setting and setting intentions”
She mumbled her reply, “can I wake up first”?
Being an early riser and a morning person I wanted answers so here are a few ideas that I found.
“Setting and living your intentions allows you to focus on who you are in the moment, to recognize and live your values, and to raise your emotional energy, which in turn raises your physical energy. Many entrepreneurs are excellent at identifying their values and know that living within their interpretation of them is a powerful way to achieve success, and more importantly, happiness.” Continue reading the article here
What is wild is that in this article she talks about Dr Masaru Emoto proving that water can be influenced by intention and thought – and this was a conversation that I had just had with a friend this week! If you’re curious like I am to know just a little background to this – continue reading here
So can setting intentions be the way to your goal?
I appreciate that setting goals is part of the process of planning and puts you in the driver seat to move you from A to B (happy brain)
But can you allow your intentions to support your goals?
What do you dream of accomplishing through your actions?
Here is an example from Mike Robbins: Let's say you have a goal to make more money. Start with your intention, "My intention is to experience a real sense of abundance, peace and freedom with money and to easily attract various streams of income."
Then create a specific, measurable, result-oriented goal. "I will generate this amount by when”. The next step is to come up with a few related actions. "I will read at least two books this year on multiple income streams. I will set up a call to talk to people in my circles about new money-making ideas. I will make a plan each month for specific things I can do professionally to increase my income."
Then create some kind of regular accountability for this. You can hire a coach, join a mastermind group (yes we have room for you :) or create an accountability partnership with a friend.
As Mike Robbins says: Have fun with this. Don't take it or yourself too seriously—it's just life. Be kind to yourself in this process. Remember your intentions are what you're truly after, not the specific outcomes or actions. This will allow you to take the pressure off of yourself, have more fun and trust that things will manifest as they're meant to—especially if you open up and let them show up!
I'd love to hear more from you as I learn the difference between setting goals and writing out my intentions.
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